Holistic Nutrition is a natural approach to a healthy diet and considers the individual as a whole which includes nutrition, mind set, sleep habits, exercise and lifestyle.  Food provides vital nutrients for survival, is designed to support body functions to stay healthy and create a strong metabolism.  Food is designed to heal the body and enhance our mind, body and soul.  Holistic Nutrition applies the NAG principle: Natural, Alive and Good - natural organic, clean, hormone and chemical free foods and when needed holistic supplements.  Food and it's nutrients can provide powerful benefits for those who suffer from acute and chronic conditions.


Real food grows, rots, dies and doesn’t need an ingredient label, when choosing for our food we need to consider where did our food come from? how was it grown? is it free of chemicals? is it overly processed?   we need to make educated choices.  Eating mindfully with education, inspiration and knowledge will nourish your body - not following a promise that came from a label on our "food".  Let's get back in the kitchen and practice the slow art of cooking - I believe that will feed your soul.  


A, B, C’s OF HOLISTIC NUTRITION - This is where we start.... through education, support and inspiration we work together on the ABCs of your individual health.


Activate - reduce the effect of "fight, flight or freeze" mode.  The sympathetic nervous system kicks in automatically  during stress and perceived stress resulting in depleted function of organs and immune system function.  It is beneficial develop your personal strategy to activate your "rest and digest" mode.  The parasympathetic nervous system is activated when we are relaxed, it is a much slower system and restores the body's state of calm and supports digestion, conserves energy, achieves balance and promotes long term homeostasis.      


Build immunity - what are you eating that is drawing from your immune system - is it allergenic foods?  too much sugar?  too little fibre?  Lets swap those foods out for nutritionally dense foods that are therapeutic to your individual needs and work towards a strong gut ecology that helps to boost your immune system.  Your health is your biggest asset, a strong immune system can help you live a happier healthier life.


Clear toxins - help the body's natural cleansing process by promoting elimination (intestines, kidney and skin), improving your digestive system, stimulating liver function, resting your organs and improving circulation.  Each of us detoxes differently.  Our ultimate goal is to remove and eliminate excessive exposure to toxins.  Feeding your body with healthy nutrients that support detoxification can help protect you from disease and renew your ability to maintain optimum health.