We take every precaution to protect the information of our users. When users submit sensitive information through this website, their information is protected both on-line and off-line. We do not collect your personal information through this website unless you give it to us.

All personal information saved at the site will be handled with the utmost care. The information that we store will not be sold or used for any purposes other than ensuring the best service possible. The information will solely be used for informing you about special offers and marketing opportunities. Your personal data may be disclosed to third parties only when it is necessary to fulfil the purposes described above.

This website gives users the opportunity to opt out of receiving communications from us by emailing JANICE@MAHHEALTH.COM

Please note that this website may contain links to other sites and that this privacy policy applies solely to information collected by this site and Mah Health. We do not take any responsibility for the privacy practices of any other websites.